For children aged 2 to 7 years:
It is recommended to take one tablet before breakfast.
For children aged 8 to 11 years:
It is recommended to take one tablet before breakfast and one tablet before dinner.
For individuals between the ages of 12 and 16 years:
It is recommended to take one tablet before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
For adults between the ages of 16 and 20 years :
It is recommended to take two tablets before breakfast and two tablets before dinner.
For individuals aged between 20 and 70 years:
- Regarding the digestive system:
2 tablets before breakfast
2 tablets before lunch
2 tablets before dinner
At least 20 minutes before.
This is highly beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcers, enhancing digestion, reducing gas and bloating, and preventing acidic reactions.
- If the goal is to benefit from vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants only:
3 tablets before breakfast
3 tablets before dinner
At least 30 minutes before.
- If the goal is weight loss, fat burning, cholesterol regulation, and controlling blood pressure and sugar levels:
3 tablets before bedtime
3 tablets before breakfast, 60 minutes before.
During sleep, the product will effectively work on burning fat, regulating cholesterol, blood pressure, and sugar levels.
There are people who can not take Alhadaya Black Seed Oil. They are the following:
a. Pregnant women especially on the first two trimesters or first six months of pregnancy.
b. People who have recent heart or organ trasnplant in the last one year.
c. People who have gallstones or more than three centimeters in size.
d. Children below 2 years old